
Http:// NU Students Vaccine Link

Registration - http:// 103 113 200 28/ student_covidinfo

National University Vaccine Registration Link website for Nu Students COVID-19 NU Corona Vaccine Registration submit by Students. National University is published a notice for the students fill up the data for COVID-19 Vaccine its last date 21 September 2021. NU Students Corona Vaccine Registration Website http:// nu student_covidinfo/ how to registration National University students covid 19 vaccine registration Bangladesh link. NU Corona or Covid-19 Vaccine Online Registration 2021 is processing. Every student who studies in the National University or affiliated colleges of NU has to submit their Corona Vaccine Registration Form.

National University Students Corona Vaccine Data Entry Application 2021 time extend . NU Coronavirus Vaccine Registration Bangladesh NU Students at 103.113 www nu ac bd. Now you can register for national university vaccine registration 2021. All of you covid 19 test online registration from Bangladesh. So don`t mistake the notice of NU Students covid-19 vaccine registration form before 21st September 2021.

NU Student Vaccine Registration has been Started through website. So now students apply nu covid 19 corona vaccine registration.

NU corona virus vaccine registration time extend so students try new link visit Every students now submit her vaccine application now website working fine so apply now.

103.113 NU Students Vaccine Tika Card Download

Apply n covid vaccine registration so students 103.113 nu covid 19 registration link active for only 21th September 2021. So every students apply covid 19 tika registration and download tika card.

NU Vaccine Registration Website Link so students apply online. NU Covid vaccine registration for corona virus for all students. Now apply under given link this website live up to 21st September 2021.

Evey students of National University they registration for corona virus vaccine tika 2021. In, 21st September last date of nu vaccine registration so if any extend we are notice here.

National University Corona Vaccine Registration form submit time now 21st September 2021 at 23:59 PM. So now all academic students of NU they can apply for covid-19 vaccine. Now Start apply so click link active now here visit.

Vaccine Registration link active for all students they now complete registration on covid 19 data.

Update news: National University NU Covid19 Corona Virus Vaccine Registration time extend for server issue now students can registration up to 21st September 2021. Visit for registration 103.113 nu app covid 19 vaccine registration form download.

NU covid Vaccine Registration form download

Students of National University covid tika card download vaccine registration start and end date 19th 201 so submit to application on

NU covid vaccine registration without voter id card so students of National University they now complete her covid data update.

Bangladesh National University Covid info data update for vaccine. All Students register covid data by her registration number. So students they visit

This NU covid registration for regular/irregular/honours/masters/degree session 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2018-19 and 2020-21 students. So for all students studying at the National University, you can easily register for the vaccine.

Covid 19 vaccine registration link inter your NU reg number submit application form. Today last date so students registration complete within few minute.

national university

NU Students Corona Vaccine Registration

National University Corona Vaccine Registration 2021 related notice published 16th September and must be submit application within 21st September 2021 said NU authority. In this notice, they tell about National University Students Corona Vaccine Data entry Registration 2021

The National University has started the registration process to bring the students under the coronavirus vaccine. The students have been asked to apply with the required information by September 21, 2021 website link

All students they can form fill up for covid 19 vaccine every students of NU they apply covid 19 vaccine registration.

Vaccine Registration link by Birth Certificate:

National University (জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়) www http:// student_covid info কোভিড-19 টিকা নিবন্ধনের লক্ষ্যে শিক্ষার্থী তথ্য ছক App For Covid-19 vaccine Registration for all students data entry by reg number.

National University Corona Vaccine Registration through Online. All of the nu students registered with them for vaccination against the virus. Students login to fill data.

National University saves all Students from coronavirus (covid 19) so students’ vaccine registration starts now and must be vaccinated. Student Covid info link available here. So students they now submit application inter reg number, nid and mobile number.

If National University students want to get a vaccine , Then he/she must need to register in the official national university covid 19 data entry students information Website. Every national university students now submit her corona virus vaccine registration form.

NU Covid vaccine registration link will be active today its working now. NU corona vaccine registration time extend for server issue so now students can apply online Nu Corona Vaccine Reg Link. Covid 19 risk free tag line keep social distance and wear mask.

Every student who reads in National University affiliated colleges has to submit their Corona Vaccine Covid Data. NU National University Student Covid-19 Vaccine Registration.

NU Corona or Covid-19 Vaccine Online Registration 2021 is ongoing. Students of National University NU Covid 19 vaccine registration website link

NU Covid Vaccine Registration Notice without NID

So if you are a NU Honours, Degree, or Masters student, you must register for Covid vaccine. Bangladesh many people affected in corona virus so govt import vaccine others country. Many long time BD school and college are off its way education ministry given vaccine than open National University. NU Corona or Covid-19 Vaccine Online Registration Process start here.

NU Vaccine Application National University is announced for the registration of all the students registered with them for vaccination against the virus. Every NU students now taken covid-19 vaccine after successfully submit application.

This notice is for the nu students who are study at regular/irregular/honours/masters/degree session 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2018-19 and 2020-21. So for all students studying at the National University you can easily register for the vaccine.

NU Vaccine Registration website Link

How you enter your data for NU corona Vaccine registration online. Every students they submit her personal data by registration number. NU Server if any problem reload this page try again http:// 103 113 200 28 students -covid-19 info.

Who students not any NID card they now complete her Registration using Birth Certificate.

Every students of Bangladesh randomly found corona virus tika than open all institute. So students need to carry with National ID card and Mobile Number for registration. Now vaccine registration start NU students on 103.113 cu covid app.

http 103.113 nu covid

Http 103.113 its link for nu students corona vaccine app ac bd. So now students vist nu ac bd or directly go on search 103.113 student covid info than submit application after fill-up data.

Covid 19 application online students who want be vaccine the need must be registration. So corona virus vaccine registration online form submit here.

Corona Virus spread all over Bangladesh so university class and exam off. No university students found vaccine for corona virus and open university after vaccinated students. Http 103.113 nu covdi 19 info update for nu student Bangladesh many long time school, college and university off so online online way class arrange. Students not attned exam hall or class room for student health risk.

Nu Corona Vaccine, student covid info http //103.113, ny covid registration, nu ac bd vaccine. All students now apply for surokkha covid 19. All students download covid 19 tika card and vaccine date.

Bangladesh School, College, University students now can take corona vaccine. Goverment of Bangladesh give this opportunity after vaccine all students than education institute open.

National University is announced for the registration of all the students registered with them for vaccination against the virus. Students login to fill data. Students now corona virus vaccine registration online submit.

National University nu students covid info link for registration. Students visit link and given covid 19 data.

National University (NU) authorities have asked the students to complete registration to get corona vaccine for coronavirus. surokkha gov bd. According to the notification, all the students have to register in the web portal within 21th September in order to prepare an urgent list for the students to get the Covid-19 vaccine.

This notice is for the students who are regular/irregular/honours/masters/degree session 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2018-19 and 2020-21. So for all students studying at the National University you can easily register for the vaccine.

Covid-19 Vaccine Registration System for students of Bangladesh National University Surokkha www nu ac bd or nu bd info  initiated by the government of the people’s republic of Bangladesh. Peoples in Bangladesh who wants to get Covid-19 vaccine must be registered via Surokkha Web national university login link.

NU Vaccine Registration Website Link

NU vaccine Registration website link now working fine so students easily apply vaccine.

web search click login button inter Reg number and input personal information and submit.

NU Published Student Vaccine Registration online. Covid-19 National University, National University Vaccine, Vaccine registration, জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ভ্যাকসিন, জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ভ্যাকসিন রেজিস্ট্রেশন, NU Vaccine Registration, NU Vaccine Notice, Covid-19 Vaccination for Students.

Students must entry her registration number for application. All NU students submit her data information for vaccinate against corona virus. NU Students registration corona virus vaccine online way. Many long time college class and exam off so authority decided that every students taken vaccine and open education institution.

NU Students Corona Virus Vaccine Registration

Http 103.113 nu covid this is the official website for coronavirus vaccine registration then hopefully you have successfully registered the coronavirus vaccine from our website.

103 113 200 ip address login for registration and submit application form here. So now students apply for data entry than confirm list published for taken vaccine.

NU Covid Vaccine Registration –

National University Covid Vaccine Registration for all students. NU covid data entry form registration if submit successful Covid-19 Student Registration Data already submitted successfully! So no need again application.

Bangladesh corona virus speed all over so many long time lock down. But education institution totally off for covid-19 now govt given vaccine than open school, college. So students needs now vaccine registration on here visit this url

  • The name of vaccine: Sinopharm, Pfizer vaccine, Moderna vaccine
  • Name of virus: Coronavirus (Covid19)
  • Vaccine start date in Bangladesh: 17th September 2021
  • Vaccine Registration last date: 21st September 2021
  • Official website:

National University corona registration time extend today new notice published on website. So covidinfo information of Nu students can registration up to 21st September.

NU notice published said the matter was very important  the of the affiliated nu colleges were urgent to ensure that the information. National University (NU) Corona Virus Vaccine Registration. To register for the Covid-19 vaccine online, you need to enter the link

nu covid info

Without any delay you can register today for the coronavirus vaccine online registration. As a result, you will be allowed to take classes and attend exam hall after the opening of the Education institution.

Many students know how to registration for taken corona virus vaccine so our website provide this process. Students follow some rules and instruction under given details.

NU Covid Vaccine Registration

Students who age is over 18 they can take corona virus vaccine so all students now registration online for this vaccine, After all students vaccine than Bangladesh Goverment open School, College and University open.

How to national University students data entry by using website 103.113 student_covid info. Students who applied covid info nu website they taken vaccine.

  1. Visit website
  2. Go there and click on the honours degree ‘Registration number’ 
  3. Fill up all information and submit application

After submit application confirmation SMS show on your application “Successfully Submitted Application” if show this line your registration confirm by NU. So do not need resubmit when submit you will be see your success SMS on your mobile phone, if found this sms!! you try again.

After summited corona virus vaccine data entry form show your mobile or desktop its successfully received nu authority. After found this type SMS we will be now confirmed that your application guaranteed otherwise your try again for submitted.

The information you have at the university will be shown here. And you have to give some new information like NID number, date of Birth, Mobile number and resident information. Once all the information is given, you can click on the Next button.

NU Corona Virus Vaccine Registration Website Link

However, there is nothing to worry about because you can easily register for the nu covid 19 vaccine registration. All National University students will be able to register for the vaccine online. So after giving your vaccine, the educational institution will be opened.

Covid data submit form link active 103.113 nu so students now registration conformation within few days. So students visit our for covid related post and registration complete using students reg number.

Corona Virus spread all over Bangladesh so education institute off now planing for open. So that’s way students mut be taken vaccine against covid. Now registration covid data to nu website ac bd info.

Students visit under given website and inter honours registration number 1st, 2nd. 3rd and 4th year, All academic year students apply for corona vaccine input reg number.

http:// 103.113 200 28 nu student_covidinfo/

Education Ministry take a step to vaccinate all Students than open educational institute. Honours Auto pass 2021 so students not found any auto pass honours 4th year students also apply for covid 19 vaccine.

Every students wait for when open education institute but education ministry said never open institute until virus control or everybody vaccinate. So this right way students taken vaccine 1st and 2nd dose than school open So no SSC auto pass 2021 any board in Bangladesh. Now students continue ssc assignment and online way class that vaccine registration start here.

After press NU Registration number found this type information giben, Name, Fathers name, NID, Mobile, DOB, Vaccine taken information and residential than submit application.

If give any wrong information when fill up nu corona vaccine application we can change by Email. All you have to do is send the details to the official email of the National University (

Many students can’t for her NID card so The NU authority announced notice without NID card apply covid 19 registration. Many students mistakenly given taken vaccine yes button. So students connect NU with mail and said whats your problem with sent Email.

Follow all step for submit application NU students more than 20 lac they try at a time in website so server are error but our website provide nu vaccine registration total guideline. Every students apply for covid info data within 21st September 2021.

After complete covid data than students apply corona vaccine tika on surukkha app.

NU Students Corona Vaccine Registration by Birth Certificate

National University Students now registration online for covid19 vaccine. Website link for registration and submit your personal data. National University Called student covid info through a website for all students 103.113. So National University Covid Vaccine Registration link is found here.

So students can apply for nu covid vaccine app visit and submit data. Who students not available NID card they can also apply on he birth certificate follow nu next notice.

nu ac bd Covid19 Vaccine apply without NID Card

Important Notice for NU Students: After 17th September NU website published a notice for covid data fill up without NID card only need students Birth certificate number. So This students having not NID card they not apply now. So they now can make NID contact with Bangladesh Election commission for emergency way collect NID card for taken vaccine.

The government plans to vaccinate 30 million people in the next six months. 2.5 million people will be vaccinated every month. 5 million dose of ticker per person per month will be required., http, 103 113 200 28/student_covidinfo/, 103.113 200 29/student_covidinfo/.

Final Word:

National University Corona Vaccine Registration online covid info data update last date 21 September 2021. So completer your registration without delay, thanks to regards.

Note: আবেদন করতে সমস্যা হলে আমাদের জানান ও কমেন্ট বাক্স এ আপনার রেজিস্ট্রেশন, মোবাইল ও NID নম্বর লিখুন |


    1. mem please aktu link ta diben ami application korbo corona vaccine ar jonno

  1. honours course complete & new admission complete for masters but cannot got registration what a formula for covid registration for this student.try honours registration number but no result it shown not found.registration number 14216104871

    1. Some students data not found for server issue or you are not eligible for vaccine registration. After 12th July follow next nu notice.

  2. registration submit hoyeche but card download ar option ase na akhon kevabe card download korbo please help me.

  3. Amar poblam hoytaca jodi aktu apnara kira dan.. NID:8263626189
    Mobile :01741263992
    Registration : 19225357426

  4. Amar from Puronkorar samoy aktu vul giyeche Ami vaccine grohoner okhane yes diye felechi are submit ohoye geche Abar ke kore thik Korbo plz doya kore Jodi bolun….

  5. I got a mistake to fill the form. By a mistake i clicked yes batton where will be no batton ( i mean i didn’t get any vaccine). Now kindly inform me that what is the solution. Thank you

  6. Form asce. Registration number diye first step complete. Step-2 te ” date of birth” NID number etc. Sob complete kore submit korci, but submit hoilo na, shudu error, error. Akhn amar registration complete hoice na hoi nai bujtaci na.
    Registration nm : 17317094193
    Mobile nm : 01874254803

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