Honours 1st Year Exam Result 2024 is now available on nu ac bd results website. Honours 1st Year Result can be checked through the website nu.ac.bd/results. You can get your Honours 1st Year Exam Result Marksheet with Number. You will need to enter your roll number and registration number to get your honours result 2024.
Honours 1st Year Exam Result 2024
National University has taken the Honours first year exam few months ago. Now the NU.EDU.BD Honours 1st Year Result is available. BA, BSS, BBS and BSc first year result can be checked from our website. Honours 1st year result 2024 its check online on nu ac bd results website.
This is the result for honours first year session 2021-22. The result is available from 08 PM. Candidates can check results in two ways; online method & SMS. The official portal nu.ac.bd/results is providing the results for candidates.
Honours 1st year Result
National University NU.EDU.BD Honours 1st Year Result can be checked from our website. A large number of students have been appeared in the first year final exam under over 2000 colleges of NU. However, authority has released the result today and you can check your Honours Result.
NU has released the result at 08 PM. The candidates now can collect their result marksheet from online. For your kind information, your Honours 1st Year Result Marksheet contains your each subject wise marks and GPA.
Honours 1st Year Result 2024
This year, the honours result passing rate is quite good. On the other hand, a good number of candidates have failed in the exam. The failed students can apply for board challenge which starts from the next week.
Regular students will search for their Honours 1st Year Regular Result. There were some irregular students which will look for irregular result. Some other students will look for grade improvement Honours 1st Year Exam Result 2024.
After the first year exam is taken, NU has released the result very soon. Students were highly excited to know their result. Today their waiting is end as their Honours Result is available. The honours result with marksheet is available for all the candidates of regular and irregular session.
Honours 1st Year Exam Result Marksheet with Number
A large number of students have participated in the first year exam. Unfortunately, among them, many candidates could not pass in all subjects. However, now you can check your Honours Result 1st Year and download the marksheet.
Honours 1st Year exam 2024 has been held for 31 subjects under NU. The passing rate is mentioned in the Notice regarding to the Honours 1st Year Exam Result. The notice describes the full details of the honours first year result.
To get your Honours marksheet-
- First you have to visit the website results.nu.ac.bd
- Then select your exam name (Honours)
- Select 1st Year a
- There enter your roll and registration number
- Enter the captcha code there
- Then submit to get your result
After you get your results, you will download the result marksheet and get a print copy of it. Both regular and irregular students will follow this method to get their results. If you are looking for grade improvement result then you will follow these instructions.
How to Check Honours Result By SMS
The students have seen how they will check their Honours 1st Year Exam Result from the internet. Now you are going to see how you will see your results through mobile SMS. You will send one SMS to 16222 number to know your results.
To know your result through SMS-
- Type: NU <> H1 <> Your Registration Number
- Send this SMS to 16222
You will get a replied SMS within a few seconds. The replied SMS will contain your obtained GPA in the honours first year result. All the candidates now can check their results from our website it is easy to check the results from our website.
Honours Result 1st Year has been already published by the authority. It has been good for you that you have learned the SMS method. This method will help you to get the result very soon.
NU Honours 1st Year Exam Result 2021-22
Today the Honours result has been published. You can collect your result marksheet from our website by entering your roll and registration number. Not all the students have passed, many students could not pass in all subjects. However, the students who have passed in three subjects will be promoted to next year.
As you already know that a good number of students have failed in the first year exam. So, if you have failed in the first year exam then you can apply for the board challenge. For this, you have to pay subject wise fee. This is also known as the re-scrutiny application.
The students of honours 2021-22 session have got their results today. The list of the best college for this honours result have been published through the official website nu.ac.bd. www.nu.ac.bd and nubd.info portal is now providing result marksheet for honours candidates.
NU.EDU.BD Honours 1st Year Result 2024
National University candidates are now looking for their honours result. If you have attended the exam and finished it successfully then you can check your obtained GPA. The marksheet presents all subject wise marks and GPA.
National University has released their honours result 1st year today. The passing rate is good, the NU chairman has announced a notice on nubd.info website. All the notices and updates are available on nu.ac.bd and nubd.info web portal.
National University authority has announced a notice about the honours first year result. The passing rate, total candidates and total passed candidates number. The honours result notice is shared here so that you can see all the details.
You may have checked your result today. If you want to get your result marksheet then follow the instructions mentioned here. The board challenge will be start very soon. If you have failed in the honours result then you will apply for the board challenge. Visit our website for further update and information.