HSC Result Board Challenge 2023 by Teletalk
HSC Result Board Challenge Application Process 2023. HSC Exam 2023 Rescrutiny application start 27 November 2023. HSC Board Challenge 2023 available for All Education Board. Therefore, HSC Result 2023 Rescrutiny application publish by http://www.educationboardresults.gov.bd/.
In HSC Result Rescrutiny Process 2023 via Teletalk Phone. So, check details of Recheck Application Procedures and HSC ReScrutiny Result 2023 from below.
HSC Result Board Challenge
Today we share the HSC Result Board Challenge Application Process & Hsc Re-Scrutiny Application Process 2023. The Application Process from “Board challenge” or “Khata Challenge” will available here.
Students can apply through only Teletalk Bangladesh Limited Mobile Phone by sending the Message (SMS). Hence, The HSC Rescrutiny Process starts from 27 November to 3 December 2023. So, you have on students hand to apply for HSC Result Board Challenge 2023.
HSC Result 2023 Board Challenge
HSC Board Challenge Application Process 2023, HSC Result Recheck System 2023, HSC Khata Challenge Application Process 2023.
HSC Board Challenge 2023
Two SMS have to be sent for the re-scrutiny application. You have to pay 150 taka for every subject board challenge. Many students ask for How to Apply for HSC board challenge? Now learn from here and apply for your HSC khata recheck application.
- First SMS RSC <space> Board name <space> Roll number <space> Subject code
- For 9 General Boards: RSC DHA 125874 101
- Madrasa Board: RSC MAD 520874 101
- Technical Board: RSC TEC 263510 101
You have to send this message to 16222
Then you will receive a SMS from authority. A PIN number will be given in the message and the amount will be shown there. Then you have to send another SMS.
- Second SMS – RSC <space> YES <space> PIN <space> Your personal phone number and send
Then your payment will be cut from the Teletalk SIM and a confirmation message will be sent to the phone number. You will be notified about the HSC Board Challenge 2023 result publication through SMS.
HSC Result rescrunity method 2023
Students must type first three letters of the Board name in the message. Otherwise, the application will not be valid. The board challenges starts from the next day of result.
It is possible to apply for two or three subjects together through one SMS. If you have failed in Bangla and English subject then it is possible to apply for both subjects at a time. There should be a comma (,) between two subject codes.
You have to send the message like –
- RSC <> Board Name <> Roll number <> 101, 107………
According to the latest new
Though, That subject has two papers (e.g. Bangla and English) application will be under the one subject code. For Bangla 101 and English 107 the application fee will be charged 300 TK.
Note: You can apply for more than one subject in an SMS, subject codes will be divided by comma (,)
Check Result: http://www.educationboardresults.gov.bd/
Last word:
All education board students can be apply for board challenge online by teletalk sim. Every students follow instruction for board challenge.