
NU Student Vaccine Registration http

Link - surokkha gov bd

NU Student Vaccine Registration Age-18 Above through Surokkha gov bd registration. How to Registration on covid 19 corona vaccine for students. VAccine registration Bangladesh link Surokkha Web, App For Covid-19 vaccine Registration Start age limit 18. Covid-19 Vaccine Registration System Surokkha initiated by the government of the people’s republic of Bangladesh. Peoples in Bangladesh who wants to get Covid-19 vaccine must be registered via Surokkha Web APP.

Students of National University Vaccine Registration 2021 have started through Surokkha. From now on, students of under nu any educational institution in Bangladesh will be able to register for the Covid-19 vaccine using NID number.

Nu Students surokkha vaccine registration, bangladesh covid 19 vaccine card download, Surokkha app, covid 19 vaccine registration BD, online www surokkha gov bd tika students registration link.

Surokkha gov bd vaccine registration

Bangladesh all School, College, University and general people can Registration corona virus vaccine. 1st of all applicant apply for vaccine registration than confirmation sms and vaccine taken center notify to mobile.

The government is preparing to vaccinate the people of the country against coronavirus through the app.The app was jointly developed by the Department of Health’s Management Information System (MIS), the Department of Information and Communication Technology and the A2I program. 

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NU Covid 19 Vaccine Registration

There are three steps to The process of receiving the Covid-19 corona vaccine in Bangladesh via the Surokkha Web portal. NU Students complete vaccine registration within 27th September 2021.

nu students vaccine notice NU Student Vaccine Registration http

Today we tell you how to register on Surokkha Apps, Get Vaccine and Get Certificate from Covid-19 vaccine system by

Vaccine Registration 2021 surokkha app Birth Certificate

Vaccination Registration done by online than authority through SMS vaccination center name and on the date of vaccination receive. Must be carry vaccination card and national identity card with you. The vaccine certificate can be collected from the suraksha app.

  • The name of vaccine: corona vaccine
  • Name of virus: coronavirus (Covid19)
  • Official website:
  • Vaccine name: sinopharm, pfizer vaccine, moderna vaccine

Corona Vaccine Tika Registration age limit 25 for all general public. So all people are apply for covid 19 vaccine registration on surokkha gov bd.

NU Students Vaccine

  1. Visit website
  2. Go there and click on the ‘Register’ button to select the type first. 
  3. Then give your (NID) number, date of birth (according to NID). Registration is not possible without a national identity card. People under the age of 35 will not be able to register.
  4. Than give your personal any disease information
  5. Enter your Mobile number
  6. Than select ward and vaccine center name
  7. Then found an OTP and submitted code.

Register for Covid-19 Vaccine Now

Surokkha gov bd registration without NID

First you need to collect the vaccine card. Visit surokka app and follow instruction

  1. Click on the ‘Vaccine Card Collection’ button on the surokkha web portal
  2. Verify’ button with the national identity card number and date of birth.
  3.  The vaccine card will then be downloaded by clicking on the ‘Vaccine Card Download’ button with the OTP (Over the Phone) code via SMS to the mobile number given at the time of registration.

National University Covid 19 Vaccine Registration Link surokkha gov bd. Age limit 18 above so all students under NU they apply for corona vaccine regisatrtiomn.

Www surokkha gov bd Corona certificate

The BioNTech, Pfizer vaccine is a vaccine that aims to protect against COVID-19. All Bangladesh general people who age 35 over they can registration for vaccine. Government school and college teacher, Students of any public university and medical students they can also registration shinophram vaccine.

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Bangladesh all over all people now taken vaccine against corona virus. So surukkha app wise online way registration confirmation found SMS and probasi any mi Probashi BMET Card Registration A to Z corona টিকা Surokkha Vaccine Registration Bangladesh, Surokkha App download android phone.

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